Family Email #1: Computer Project Welcome!

The first of several emails regarding the 2020 4-H Computer Project

Hello 4-H Families!

My name is Corey Seliger and I am stepping up as the superintendent for the Computer Project this year. I am super excited to serve such an important role and to be a resource as the kids begin working on their projects. Here is some information I would like you to know as I become acclimated with the project and being a superintendent:

  • First and foremost: The information for the Computer Project as shown in the 2020 Handbook is incomplete. It is missing approximately 2/3 of the details. I have attached a PDF file with the official description. 

  • I am looking to host one or two optional events where our 4-H’ers can learn about computers and technology, such that it can be applied to their overall project work. These sessions are not required to participate in the program, however I strongly encourage attendance if there is interest. I am still working on logistics and will have more information for you soon. 

  • We have a website! Everything you will possibly need to know will be on this website, including the text for the Computer Project description. It is a work in progress, but it will have updated information on events, deadlines, and resources that your students will be able to use when exploring how to implement their projects. The link for the website is as follows: 

  • When it comes to this project, the sky is the limit. The provided description is a guideline. Unfortunately, I was asked to step into this role AFTER the new description was published, so I had no say in the final product. I do not agree with some of the restrictions presented. For example, if you have an elementary school child who can sufficiently develop in a text-based programming environment and wants to do so, I would encourage that. I want to be very open and transparent with all of our participants as questions come in, and I will work diligently to help all of you interpret the project requirements with the goal of helping our 4-H’ers present their best work, not only at the county but also at the state level!

I am here for you. If you have questions or need help, simply shoot me an email to or give me a call/text at 765-532-3866. I cannot promise that I can immediately take a call, but please leave a message and I will get back with you as soon as I reasonably can. 

Lastly, I want to provide a bit of background so you can better know who I am: I am the Director of HR Information Systems at Purdue University, working within Information Technology at Purdue (ITaP). I have been with the university for 18 years, starting as a web app developer in 2002, literally in the basement of the MATH building. During my time at the university, I have spent time as a Faculty Fellow, participated as a mentor in the Men’s Leadership Series, advised the Purdue Chapter of Business Professionals of America (BPA), served as the Post-Secondary state advisor for BPA, and served as President of the Purdue Polytechnic Alumni Board. I have both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Purdue in Computer and Information Technology, with emphasis on data analytics and leadership. Recently, I have taken on an assistant coach role for the Burnett Creek Elementary School Robotics Team (VEX IQ), and we are taking all four of our teams to the State Championship this Saturday (super excited and super proud!!). 

I have a great deal of leadership, mentorship, and technology experiences, and I am ready to share those with our 4-H’ers as they participate, learn, and lead in this project. I am looking forward to working with all of you over the coming weeks and months leading up to the fair!

Thank you in advance for your patience and please let me know how I can be of service!


Tippecanoe County 4-H
