Computer Project - Official Details

Complete description and requirements for the 2022 4-H Computer Project

Computer Project Exhibit Requirements

There are three exhibit grade level divisions; Grades 3–5, Beginner; Grades 6–8, Intermediate; and Grades 9–12, Advanced. Exhibits are to be skill appropriate for the member’s grade level.

Youth enrolled in the computer project will select one of the below subject categories to study, regardless of grade. Youth may choose to create an exhibit demonstrating skills learned during the year. Check with your county Purdue Extension Office to determine if a computer will be available during judging and if there will be an opportunity to explain your exhibit to the judge. Exhibits qualifying for state fair are to be submitted on a thumb drive securely attached to a notebook/portfolio describing accomplishments, skills learned, design ideas, budget, a summary of what was done, screenshots showing the development and final project, etc. as the exhibitor will not be able to discuss their work with a judge. Poster exhibits 22"x28" or freestanding 3-dimensional display boards no larger than 36”x36” may be submitted. Youth may continue in the same subject category in subsequent years expand on the previous year’s topic or choose a new topic. Subject categories are:

  • Block-Based Programming
  • Text-Based Programming
  • Web Design and Computer Entrepreneurship
  • Computer Forensics
  • Hardware and Networking Design/Install/Repair
  • Graphic Design and Computer Art
  • Robotics

Software submitted to be reviewed by a judge must be compatible on both PC and Mac platforms. If additional software other than Microsoft Office Suite is required to view the member’s work, that software must be provided by the member and comply with all manufacturer copyright laws. Apps can be Android or IOS compatible.

All notebooks/portfolios must include a reference list indicating where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include website links, people and professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be the last page of a notebook or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the manner in which references are listed.

Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using the information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.


Exhibit Class Guidelines

Programming, Block- and Text-Based

Youth can submit programming projects in a language of their choosing.  Some popular choices include, but are not limited to: 

  • Block Based: Scratch, Code Studio, Alice, etc:   
  • Text Based: Python,JavaScript, C/C++, C#,, R, Go, Java, PHP, Perl, Ruby etc

Beginner – Grades 3-5 – Create a program using  the programming language of your choice. You should comment your work and it must include at least ten different commands. Skills this program could use are:

  • Sequence
  • Iteration
  • Conditionals
  • Variables
  • Loops
  • User input
  • Any other similar skill

Intermediate – Grades 6-8 – Create a program using  a programming language of your choice. You should comment your work and it must include at least ten different commands. Skills this program could use are:

  • More robust demonstration of beginner skills
  • Commenting 
  • Correct Syntax
  • Lists
  • Functions
  • Algorithms
  • Modularization
  • Lists
  • Any other similar skill

Advanced – Grades 9-12 – Create a program using  a programming language of your choice. You should comment your work, and it must include at least ten different commands. Skills this program could use are:

  • More robust demonstration of Intermediate Skills
  • Recursion 
  • Interact with databases
  • Classes
  • Objects
  • Methods
  • Inheritance
  • Integrate multiple languages into one program
  • Demonstrate Utilization of a version control system
  • Any other similar skill

Web Design and Computer Entrepreneurship

Beginner – Web Design and Computer Entrepreneurship – Grades 3-5 – Build a website demonstrating a knowledge of:

  • Use a website builder to create your website
  • Insert non-stock image into your site
  • Use a template to achieve a unified look
  • Explain CSS in your documentation, what CSS is and why it is important
  • Must have at least two pages and include all items listed above

Intermediate – Web Design and Computer Entrepreneurship – Grades 6-8 – Build a website demonstrating a knowledge of:

  • Create your own site or use a website builder
  • Modify existing HTML
  • Use HTML5
  • Modify existing CSS
  • Have a unified theme throughout
  • Use a photo editing software to create custom images
  • Must have at least five pages and include all items listed above

Advanced – Web Design and Computer Entrepreneurship – Grades 9-12 – Build a website demonstrating a knowledge of:

  • Create a custom site using appropriate industry tools
  • Have a responsive website
  • Add useful and appropriate plugins
  • Test for and eliminate bugs
  • Include links for social media
  • Include custom audio/video
  • Must have at least ten pages and include all items listed above

Computer Forensics

(identity theft, online bullying, ethical use of technology, responsible social media use)

Beginner – Computer Forensics – Grades 3-5 – Research and create a 3-5-minute presentation on one of the following topics. Present to a group of peers and have an adult leader verify, create a YouTube or MP4 instructional video, or printed slides and notes using PowerPoint or similar presentation software.

  • Media Balance and Well Being
  • Privacy and Security
  • Digital Footprint and Identity
  • Relationships and Communication
  • Cyberbullying, Digital Drama and Hate Speech
  • News and Media Literacy
  • Any other similar topic

Intermediate – Computer Forensics – Grades 6-8 – Research and create a 6-8-minute presentation on one of the following topics. Present to a group of peers and have an adult leader verify, create a YouTube or MP4 instructional video, or printed slides and notes using PowerPoint or similar presentation software.

  • Digital Citizenship:
  • Media Balance and Well Being
  • Privacy and Security
  • Digital Footprint and Identity
  • Relationships and Communication
  • Cyberbullying, Digital Drama and Hate Speech
  • News and Media Literacy
  • Cyber Security
  • Ethics and Society
  • Security Principles
  • Classic Cryptography
  • Malicious Software
  • Physical Security
  • Web Security
  • Any other similar topic

Advanced – Computer Forensics – Grades 9-12 – Research and create a 10-12-minute presentation on one of the following topics. Present to a group of peers and have an adult leader verify, create a YouTube or MP4 instructional video, or printed slides and notes using PowerPoint or similar presentation software.

  • Digital Citizenship:
  • Media Balance and Well Being
  • Privacy and Security
  • Digital Footprint and Identity
  • Relationships and Communication
  • Cyberbullying, Digital Drama and Hate Speech
  • News and Media Literacy
  • Cyber Security
  • Ethics and Society
  • Security Principles
  • Classic Cryptography
  • Malicious Software
  • Physical Security
  • Web Security
  • Any other similar topic

Hardware and Networking Design/Install/Repair

Beginner – Grades 3-5 – Choose 1-2 items from the list and create a report/presentation (including images) of what you did.

  • Deconstruct and reconstruct a computer
  • Learn and report how binary works and how computers use numbers
  • Troubleshoot hardware problems
  • Explore operating systems
  • Investigate open source resources
  • Install/upgrade operating systems
  • Design a dream machine (give reasons)
  • Any other similar design/install/repair

Intermediate – Grades 6-8 – Choose 1-2 items from the list and create a report/presentation (including images) of what you did.

  • Identify network hardware

  • Design a computer network

  • Explain Internet Protocol

  • Explain different types of servers

  • Use different protocols to communicate

  • Add peripherals to a network

  • Secure a networked computer

  • Share applications simultaneously

  • Setup a Raspberry Pi or other micro-controller

  • Any other similar design/install/repair Advanced – Grades 9-12 – Choose one or two items from the list ad create a report/presentation (including images) of what you did.

  • Design and implement a computer network

  • Secure your network

  • Understand technology needs in your community.

  • Help to solve these needs by organizing a committee or team to work on identified issues.

  • Teach a computer science class to younger 4-Hers.

  • Build your dream computer

  • Network multiple micro-controllers

  • Research careers in technology

  • Any other similar design/install/repair

Graphic Design and Computer Art

There are three divisions: Beginner (Grades 3-5), Intermediate (Grades 6-8) and Advanced (Grades 9-12). Youth are to use a software program to create or design an item that requires graphic design or artistry. The name of the software and version is to be included with the exhibit. Exhibits are to be age/grade appropriate. Ideas include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Logo design
  • T-shirt or apparel screen printing design
  • Promotional brochure
  • Marketing materials
  • Computer generated art
  • Computer altered photographs/images – Photographs taken by the 4-H member and altered by the 4-H member using a computer are to be entered in the Photography project as a creative/experimental exhibit. Youth must obtain permission from the owner before altering someone else’s photograph/image and include a copy of that permission with the exhibit to insure there is no copyright violation.


Suggested exhibits include, but are not limited to, a notebook including a printout of code with requirements marked, a flowchart showing how the robot works, images of the robot being built and the final robot in action, a video, a live demonstration, or other applicable exhibits.

Beginner – Robotics – Grades 3-5 –

  • Create a Flowchart
  • Build a Robot
  • Use a block-based program to operate
  • Sequential Programs
  • Events at Beginning
  • Use at least one basic sensor

Intermediate – Grades 6-8 –

  • Create a flowchart with sub-routines
  • Include at least two sensors in the robot
  • Use at least three events in the code
  • Create two loops in the code
  • Operation of the robot should be smooth

Advanced – Grades 9-12 –

Above guidelines plus:

  • Use text-based language
  • Used advanced logic including:
    • Multiple (three or more) events
    • Multiple (three or more) loops
    • At least three subroutines
  • Special consideration if the robot is not a kit
Tippecanoe County 4-H